Hopefully this website will give you an insight into what makes our Sixth Form special.

You will find:

  • Outstanding teaching, facilities and resources which will allow you to reach your full academic potential
  • As a member of the senior section of a large 11-18 year old school you will have the opportunity to lead, mentor and be role models for younger students developing invaluable skills for your future workplace
  • Opportunities to develop team-working, leadership and life skills through an incredible array of extra-curricular activities and through close supervision and pastoral care: we aim to both challenge and support you
  • Expert career guidance and assistance in your university application which will help you to get to your choice of university and to secure the job you really want

Academic standards are high but this is no ivory tower. Each year more students sit A level exams and, each year, academic grades improve. Securing good A level grades is no longer enough to secure the next steps in education or employment. Universities and employers increasingly want to see evidence of other achievements and interests and your ability to add value to the community. The range of opportunities on offer to you at Bolton School is, I believe, second to none and you will have every chance to pursue interests and follow activities that build your character and your CV.

The A level years are intensive: they will be hard work but they will also be fun and will provide you with lifelong memories. Many Old Boltonians look back upon them as amongst the best years of their lives. You can view a copy of our digital prospectus here.

This is a warm and welcoming place, open to all sections of the community. It will provide you with the education, opportunities and preparation to help you to achieve your hopes and dreams. I urge you to apply, for we offer what you need to help you realise your full potential.

Nic Ford

Nic Ford
Head of Boys' Division

The first thing you will notice about life in the Sixth Form is that your relationship with your teachers changes. The learning process becomes much more of a partnership between yourself and teachers and you will quickly learn that they are there to help you fulfil your potential.

The Sixth Form years offer greater freedom and opportunity, but along with this freedom comes more responsibility. It is a time for you to take control of your own destiny: a time when you will make big decisions as you prepare for Higher Education and your future career.

You may find that A level is the most difficult work you have ever studied. The amount you are expected to cover, in lessons and in free time, is greater than you thought possible for a student. At the same time you will be looking forward to greater freedom and privileges. You may need help to get the balance right between your academic and social pursuits. Everything is in place at Bolton School to help you make these adjustments. We are not a Sixth Form College and our smaller size allows us to retain a genuine sense of community and for teaching staff to offer focused individual support. Our dedicated and experienced team offers a huge amount of advice that will guide you through your A level studies.

Yes, there will be high expectations, but I want you to leave Bolton School believing that everything you strive for is possible. You will explore exciting and extensive opportunities, be encouraged to be inquisitive and to innovate, to face challenge, take responsibility and show leadership, and to be a force for good in the community.

Welcome to our Sixth Form.

I am sure you will enjoy your time here.

Martin Prentki
Head of Sixth Form

Life in The Sixth Form

Subjects are taught in small classes (9-10 students on average). Teaching may be shared between subject specialists to give all students the benefit of the different strengths found within departmental teams. Our aim is to create a genuine partnership between students and staff in the learning process. As this develops during Year 12, it leads to the assurance of the provision of personal, specialised assistance often necessary in preparation for the final A2 modules. All of this is supported by excellent specialist facilities and learning resources. Periods for private study are incorporated into each student's timetable and the facilities of our excellently stocked Senior Library and ICT Learning Centre will be open to you to you at these times.

Your progress will be monitored regularly and your Form Tutor will sit down with you formally each half-term to discuss progress. Brief reports will be provided for you and your parents. Careers guidance is given throughout the two years and will be particularly intensive at the end of Year 12 and the beginning of Year 13.

One of the most distinctive features of Bolton School is the tremendous range of opportunities available to you beyond the academic curriculum. Without doubt, it is involvement with these that many former students look back on with great affection. The experiences that students draw from them prove to be of enormous value for their future - developing lifelong interests, building their CVs and expanding their horizons.

Relaxing over a hot breakfast with friends - this is what the Sixth Form is all about.

Daniel, Year 13

A Level Options

After taking GCSE examinations at the end of Year 11, most Bolton School students move up to the Sixth Form for a two-year course in Advanced GCE. Each year our Sixth Form also welcomes about 10 new students from other schools. There is a good atmosphere in the Sixth Form and throughout the whole of the School and new students are welcomed and find themselves quickly settling in.

We offer a wide range of advanced courses and every effort is made to cater for individual subject selections, provided that these are sensible, and clearly lead somewhere worthwhile. Our aim is to design a programme which offers the greatest flexibility and opportunity for individual success. Full details of the courses and arrangements are given in our ‘Beyond GCSE’ booklet, which is revised annually, and can be viewed below or hard copies are available from the School Office (email the Admission’s Registrar, bdadmissions@boltonschool.org).

We are treated as young adults. A close relationship with teachers helps create a relaxed atmosphere.

Nick, Year 13

A very sociable atmosphere but one that provides well for hard study, when necessary.

Oliver, Year 13

Students generally select four subjects at the start of A level study in Year 12. Most students will move to focus on three of these subjects during the first year of A level study. A small number of subjects offer the AS level qualification. 

Each subject has 11 periods per two week cycle in each year group. 

The enrichment programme allows students to pursue other qualifications. Examples include the Extended Project Qualification, Artsmark, Science Crest Award and a Youth Leadership Award amongst others. 

All pupils participate in Sports lessons and in Community Service work. 

The subjects offered at A Level are:

  • Art - Craft and Design
  • Art - Graphic Design
  • Biology
  • Business Studies
  • Chemistry
  • Classical Civilisation
  • Computing
  • Design Technology: Product Design or Design Engineering
  • Economics
  • Electronics
  • English Language
  • English Literature
  • French
  • Geography
  • German
  • Greek
  • History
  • Latin
  • Mathematics
  • Further Mathematics
  • Music
  • Physical Education
  • Physics
  • Politics
  • Psychology
  • Religious Studies
  • Russian
  • Spanish

Beyond Bolton School

Bolton School provides:

  • Bespoke Higher Education application advice, information and guidance for each student.
  • Development of interview skills and help with the Personal Statement.
  • Guest speakers from universities and an HE Day.
  • Help with every stage of the UCAS application.
  • Careers advice.
  • Extra assistance with dentistry, medicine and veterinary science applications and UCAT and BMAT preparation.
  • Personal guidance for applications to Oxford and Cambridge.
  • Advice and help for former students too.

My name is James Roberts and I am hoping to study Medicine at Liverpool University. The Higher Education Team at Bolton School helped me greatly when choosing which medical schools to apply to and with the application process in general. I felt very prepared and confident when the day of the interview came.

Greetings. I’m Adnaan and I’ll hopefully be reading Medicine at King’s College, London. Dr Holland was extremely adept in guiding me through the minefield that was the medical admissions process. Choosing the right university for me was perhaps the hardest aspect of the process but the continued support and encouragement from the department helped me to narrow my choices to a select few.