Summer Term 2024
Monday 15th AprilStaff Inset Day
Tuesday 16th AprilTerm starts
Bank HolidayMonday 6th May
Half TermMonday 27th May to Friday 31st May inclusive
Friday 5th JulyTerm ends


Autumn Term 2024
Monday 2nd SeptemberStaff Inset Day
Tuesday 3rd SeptemberStaff Inset Day
Wednesday 4th SeptemberInduction Day for Year 7 & Year 12 pupils only and Staff Inset Day
Thursday 5th SeptemberTerm starts for all pupils
Half TermMonday 21st October to Friday 1st November inclusive
Wednesday 18th DecemberTerm ends
Spring Term 2025
Monday 6th JanuaryStaff Inset Day
Tuesday 7th JanuaryTerm starts
Half TermMonday 17th February - Friday 21st February inclusive
Monday 24th FebruaryStaff Inset Day
Tuesday 25th FebruaryTerm Starts
Friday 4th AprilTerm ends
Summer Term 2025
Wednesday 23rd AprilTerm starts
Bank HolidayMonday 5th May
Half TermMonday 26th May to Friday 30th May inclusive
Friday 4th JulyTerm ends


Autumn Term 2025
Monday 1st SeptemberStaff Inset Day
Tuesday 2nd SeptemberStaff Inset Day
Wednesday 3rd SeptemberInduction Day for Year 7 & Year 12 pupils only and Staff Inset Day
Thursday 4th SeptemberTerm starts for all pupils
Half TermMonday 20th October to Friday 31st October inclusive
Friday 19th DecemberTerm ends
Spring Term 2026
Wednesday 7th JanuaryStaff Inset Day
Thursday 8th JanuaryTerm starts
Half TermMonday 16th February - Friday 20th February inclusive
Monday 23rd FebruaryTerm starts
Wednesday 1st AprilTerm ends
Summer Term 2026
Monday 20th AprilTerm starts
Bank HolidayMonday 4th May
Half TermMonday 25th May to Friday 29th May inclusive
Friday 3rd JulyTerm ends