Our sense of community is hugely important to us and I am proud of our exemplary pastoral care, which is led by committed staff dedicated to their pupils’ well-being and achievement. We take care to get to know our pupils well and to understand how best to enable each individual child to flourish.

Pupils find many opportunities here to explore their intellectual curiosity and lessons at Bolton School are designed to stimulate and challenge, often exploring topics and ideas well beyond the scope of the curriculum. Whilst our impressive academic results speak for themselves, we seek to equip our pupils with far more than just the ability to excel in exams; they learn how to form constructive arguments, solve problems logically and present their ideas confidently.

Leadership opportunities are plentiful and there is a great desire to help others, as demonstrated by the vast amount of volunteering the pupils undertake in a range of different areas. Our pupils delight in challenge of any kind, whether it is learning to play a new instrument or sport or participating in an exciting expedition. There is also a huge variety of clubs and societies to choose from, and pupils are encouraged to make the most of opportunities to further explore subjects they are particularly interested in as well as to try something new. Whether it be sport, music, drama, school trips or a host of other academic and extra-curricular activities, there is something to appeal to everybody. We strongly believe that the skills our pupils acquire in these areas of school life are as important to their development as those they learn in the classroom.

On leaving at the end of Year 13, pupils automatically become members of the Bolton School Alumni Network, through which they will be able to make contacts in their chosen field. Members of the Alumni Network regularly come into school to share their experiences and to offer advice about the ever-changing world of work, and many pupils attain work experience or employment through other “Old Girls”.

I hope this gives you a flavour of what life is like at Bolton School, but to get a true sense of what we offer, please do come for a visit. I look forward to meeting you and to answering any questions you might have.

Lynne Kyle

Mrs Lynne Kyle
Head of Girls’ Division

The Girls' Division is a GSA school.

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