Boys’ Rowing Challenge Boosts Bolton Hospice
Boys' Division Fundraising

Last Term, pupils across all year groups at Bolton School Boys’ Division competed in a rowing challenge to raise money for Bolton Hospice. The four Houses – Blackburn, Wigan, Chorley and Manchester – battled it out to see which could row the furthest after each of its members had taken a five-minute turn on a rowing machine outside the Tillotson Sports Pavilion. Wigan won, but only just. 

Kathryn Willet, Corporate and Community Lead at the Hospice, visiting the School to present a certificate and to pick up a cheque for £1,300, commented: ‘We are so grateful to Bolton School Boys’ Division for helping to raise funds for the hospice. Fundraising during a pandemic has proven to be our greatest challenge to date and we are so lucky to have supporters like Bolton School helping us to ensure that we are here to provide vital care and support to our patients and their families when it is needed most, thank you!’ 

Mr Wyatt, who oversaw the fundraising campaign, said: ‘It was lovely for the lads to receive such praise for their efforts, and a number of Y7 members of the Houses who came along to the presentation were clearly enthused by the experience and are looking forward to this year’s charity work.’

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