The Hon Mrs Victoria Marion Anne Tower (née Lever), the daughter of the 3rd and last Viscount Leverhulme, has died peacefully aged 76.
William Hesketh Lever, who was to become the first Viscount Leverhulme, re-endowed the School in 1915, bringing together Bolton Grammar School for Boys with Bolton High School for Girls to create the Bolton School Foundation (Girls’ Division and Boys’ Division) and, as a governor, continued to support the School throughout his life. His son went on to become Chairman of Governors as did his son, Philip Leverhulme, who was Chairman of Governors at the School from 1949-1990. His many benefactions included the Leverhulme Pavilion (the opening of which is pictured).
The third Viscount had three daughters, of which Victoria was the second. Her younger sister The Hon Lady Jane Heber-Percy was a Governor of the school for many years and is still an emeritus Governor. She laid the Foundation stone of Hesketh House, Bolton School's Junior Girls' School.
The Hon Mrs Victoria Marion Anne Tower had a daughter and two sons, one of which is a current Bolton School governor, continuing the link with the first Lord Leverhulme.
Her funeral will be held at All Saints Church, Thornton Hough, the Wirral on 1st November at 12.00 noon.