Friends of Bolton School (FoBS) combines the Parents’ Associations of the three Primary Division schools and the Parent Forums of the Boys’ Division and Girls’ Division in one group, working to keep parents in all three Divisions connected with their child’s school. All parents and carers automatically become members of FoBS when their child joins the School.
The FoBS committee arranges a regular pattern of high-quality annual events in order to foster engagement between parents and the School. New parents are always welcome!
All proceeds from FoBS events are used to purchase equipment and develop school facilities to enhance the experience of every pupil.
FoBS also coordinates both the Boys’ and Girls’ Divisions’ Outgrown Uniform Shops, where pre-loved uniform is sold at reasonable rates, and run the Boys’ Division Lost Property service, where boys can locate lost items and borrow sports kit. To enquire about these services please contact FoBS via email.