For Year 13 students departing Bolton School this summer, Results Day saw a return to something approaching ‘normal’ after a unique and very different Sixth Form experience. The past two years have seen them continue their education through lockdowns, across distance learning, and back in the classroom in year group bubbles.
Last summer, Girls’ Division students were not able to celebrate their A Level successes in school, but this year they were back for a ‘nearly normal’ Results Day! The Class of 2021 received their results in traditional style from form tutors in the Great Hall. This was a wonderful opportunity for them to celebrate everything that they have achieved through hard work and perseverance with friends, family and teachers alike.
Acting Headmistress Lynne Kyle said: ‘I am delighted with this year’s A Level examination results. The girls have worked hard and navigated an uncertain year with resilience and determination. I am confident that the vast majority of the pupils will be delighted today.
‘They also have much to be grateful for and are fortunate to have been guided by such dedicated staff during their Sixth Form years.’
The overwhelming majority of students have achieved or exceeded the entry criteria for their first choice of University course. Among them were Shreya Kamath, who has benefitted from an Arkwright Scholarship during her Sixth Form years, and achieved four A*s; she goes on to study Electrical and Informational Engineering at Imperial College London. Similarly, Sophie Hann also heads to Imperial to read Physics having achieved straight A*s. Passionate horse rider Olivia Stubbs achieved four A*s and will go forward to study Maths and Computer Science at Durham University, where she hopes to continue riding and eventing; she is currently looking forward to taking part in the Pony Club National Championships in Dressage and Showjumping next week. Katherine Baker and Head Girl Sarah Walker both gained places at the University of Oxford to study Classics and Law with French respectively.
Charlotte Hughes is going onto a Degree Apprenticeship after achieving three A* grades: her apprenticeship is in accountancy with professional services at PWC.
An outstanding 89% of students achieved facilitating grades of at least ABB, offering them access to the top universities. Over three quarters (77.8%) of grades awarded in the Girls’ Division this year were A* or A, of which 40.4% are A*. 93% of girls received at least one A* or A and more than half (65%) received 3 As or better. A fantastic 94.3% of grades were between A* and B and the pass rate for the cohort of 75 was 100%.