Young poets in Year 5 and 6 got creative at a writing workshop with University of Bolton poetry lecturer and award-winning poet Ben Wilkinson on National Poetry Day. Groups of Bolton School’s Junior Boys and Junior Girls were joined by children from Clevelands and Devonshire Road Primary for the occasion, which was hosted by Bolton School and organised by Junior Girls’ teacher Mrs Worsley.
Through inspiration and prompts from Ben, the children explored how they might tell their personal stories, express their identities and share their world through poems. From describing where they come from to imagining their poem as a favourite food, there were lots of opportunities to write and share work with the group throughout the afternoon.
Meanwhile, in the Junior Girls’ School, the Year 6 ESB (English Speaking Board) Club read poems aloud: they particularly enjoyed ‘Choose a Poem’ by James Carter. Watch a video of two girls sharing this poem on Twitter.