Year 6 pupils at Bolton School’s Junior Boys’ School enjoyed a thought-provoking talk from Polar Explorer, Alex Hibbert. Using some scene-setting photos, Alex told them all about his previous expeditions in the Arctic and, also, about his plans for forthcoming travel. He told the boys that things do not always go to plan and when they do go wrong, they should try to make the very best of the situation.
Alex has led independent projects since 2006 and is the world-record holding polar traveller who has skied further on an unsupported Arctic journey than anyone in history. In July 2008, he completed his 1374-mile, 113 day “Long Haul” return crossing of a new ice sheet route along with a team-mate. They received no resupplies or physical support and completed the final week on almost no food.
Alex spoke in detail about his failed attempt to get to the North Pole and of extensive periods spent in Greenland. He spoke about his time spent with Polar Eskimos and recalled how welcoming they were. He spent several seasons in the most northerly village on the planet, learning more about the ‘amazing animals’ that are sled dogs and how young Eskimo children learn how to drive a miniature dog set. Each dog, he said, has their own personality and there can be great diversity in the pack, although they are all motivated by food! When he spent the winter there he did not see the sun for 3 months and then, wonderfully, it slowly and briefly appeared on the horizon before appearing for a few minutes more each day after that.
‘The boys were enthralled, excited and astonished by the talk – perhaps we have some future explorers in our midst,’ said Teacher Mr Winstanley.