Joint Production of 'Clockwork' Coming Soon
Whole School Performing Arts

Boys’ Division Great Hall, 1 - 4 December at 7:30 pm 

‘Clockwork’ is the Joint Production for 2021, featuring a cast of boys and girls in Years 10 to 13 with Sixth Form students in lead roles.

This adaptation of Anthony Burgess’s ‘A Clockwork Orange’​ follows the arc of the infamous character Alex DeLarge from social disaffection, via detention and treatment, to cultural impotence. It will also explore the value of the arts and community, and use this strand to come to a hopeful conclusion.

‘Clockwork’ engages with youth agency while exploring contemporary issues and culture that matter to and represent young people. The cast were given the premise: if you had to wear an artist’s words on your clothing to represent you, if you had to be a placard for your own ideals, which words would you choose? These lyrics and quotations, from a plethora of artists, poets and philosophers, have been drawn into the performance alongside elements from Kae Tempest’s play ’Wasted’ and the stage adaptation of ‘1984’. The performance also features artistically challenging reimaginings of the Korova bar and the Ludovico treatment: for example, the milk bar transforms into a fresh air bar in a commentary on the pandemic and climate change.

The question of what causes youth disaffection is another focus. The play considers what cultural diet is proscribed to young people and how this might play out along the spectrum of bored passivity through to civil disobedience.

Alumni have been involved in the creation of ‘Clockwork’. Old Boy Charlie Derrar, a graduate of Andrew Lloyd Webber’s ArtsEd, has supported the direction of the performance, and audio-visual effects from creative alumni are featured. ‘Clockwork’ also uses original sound design crafted by students with support from staff in the University of York’s Music Department.

Performances will take place in the Boys’ Division Great Hall from 1 to 4 December, starting at 7:30 pm. Tickets are £5 via ParentPay or Shopfront: please add ‘Clockwork’ and the date you would like to book into the Shopfront reference box.

Book now via Shopfront.

Each night will also feature stalls run by the Parents’ Associations and Friends of Bolton School.

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