School Comes Together for Malawi Orphans
Bolton School Charity

A chance encounter between Mrs Julia Marsden, a teacher at Bolton School’s Junior Girls’ School, and a parent, Mr David Armstrong, led to pupils from across the Foundation collecting stationery and toiletries to fill bags for over one hundred orphans from Malawi. The School also donated Primary Division uniforms and cuddly toys.

Mrs Marsden and pupils from Hesketh House have been fundraising for over a year to build a school in Malawi for street children and when she chatted to Mr Armstrong, she learnt that he too was opening a school, Chunzu Primary School, in Malawi!

The bags duly filled, each class wrote a short letter to ‘their’ orphan to wish them all the best at their new school and in life and stapled it to the bag with the child’s name on it.

Mr Armstrong, who flew out to a cyclone-hit Malawi in the last few days, said: ‘I am so grateful to Bolton School. The children will be so excited to receive these uniforms and bags and for their new school to open!’

Mrs Marsden’s own fundraising campaign has raised over £10,000 towards the £40,000 amount that she is aiming for.

Photos below of the Malawi children with their bags and new uniforms.

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