Bolton School has released its latest Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) Report. Reflecting on the paper, which covers the 2022-23 academic year, Bolton School’s Head of Foundation Philip Britton said: ‘We, like many institutions, were minded to examine our approach to inclusion, diversity and equity after the death of George Floyd in May 2020 and the testimonies published by Everyone’s Invited. We have been determined to ensure that our response is sustained, transformative and proactive and this is our fourth such report summarising our work in this area.
‘As we have acknowledged before, our approach to making sustainable changes has been encouraged by Alumni who have engaged in a constructive examination of the past. Our Foundation Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Group monitors initiatives in this area and we have also created Sexual Misconduct Liaison Officer roles to support students in reporting and responding to sexual misconduct.
‘Recently our Girls' Division and Junior Girls’ School received positive feedback in the ISI inspection regarding their inclusive ethos and the impact of inclusive practices. The introduction of new pastoral programmes in both Senior Schools as well as co-curricular programmes across all divisions, highlight our efforts to address diversity and inclusion.
‘Pupil focus groups showed a positive response to the School's efforts in promoting DEI. Students emphasised the need for a comprehensive approach beyond standalone events and recommended incorporating DEI topics into the curriculum. Changes have already been made to broaden the content and approach for inclusivity and diversity in subjects such as History, English, and Modern Foreign Languages. Our clubs and societies continue to enhance the student experience by offering diverse opportunities. Our Girls’ Division has introduced four new clubs: Culture Club, Proud Club, African Caribbean Club, and Roots Society, which promote cultural awareness and inclusivity.
‘In our Primary Division, access to resources which promote inclusion and celebrate diversity have enabled pupil and family engagement. Hesketh House, our Junior Girls’ School, emphasises access to traditionally male-dominated sports.
‘Across the Foundation, we continue to encourage applications from diverse backgrounds in recruitment, aiming for an inclusive workplace. A review of the Gender Pay Gap has also inspired ongoing discussions on our approach to flexible working.
‘We are conscious now of also needing to develop a long term focus as we equip colleagues with the skills to deliver our DEI agenda, as we listen to pupils and involve them in the development of initiatives and as we prioritise student well-being and create a narrative that links welfare and DEI.’