As Bolton School gears up for a new academic year, Head of Foundation Philip Britton offered his thanks to the Foundation’s Parents’ Associations. ‘Once again, I am looking forward to engaging with our proactive and generous PAs, who provide so many extras – in terms of resources and their time - that benefit our pupils.
‘Over the last decade or so, our Senior School PAs alone have raised well over £100,000 through a wide range of events including the likes of Balls, Burns Nights and bonfire and firework evenings, as well as through plant and Christmas pudding sales and by providing refreshments at events.
‘The allocation of monies raised by the PAs is through a teachers’ wish-list. In the Boys’ Division, funding has been provided for an air filtration system in the Art classrooms, cricket bowling machines, a golf rangefinder, a green screen, a vintage display case, kayaks, sailing boats, video cameras and for a variety of musical instruments.
‘Across the quad, in our Girls’ Division, funds have been used to help convert an area in school into a pupils’ well-being and pastoral care area, called The Hive. Other recent purchases have included outdoor and indoor table tennis tables, games for a Year 11 common room which they also had transformed from an ICT room, a photo booth for Year 13 girls and boys to celebrate the end of their school journey, Year 11 prom decorations, a new sailing boat as well as providing a contribution towards the refurbishment of the climbing wall.
‘We are also hugely indebted to so many parents who give up their time to advise and mentor pupils – the girls’ PA organise a Future Entrepreneurs event - and to those who offer work placements and help with interview skills training. There’s also a very informative and popular series of presentations, organised by the boys’ PA, for all parents called The Teenage Journey.
‘Parents also offer pre-loved uniform sales and staff the lost property service and outgrown clothing shop, some of the proceeds assisting those parents suffering with financial hardship and can cover the costs of extra-curricular trips and activities.’