It's Gold for the School’s Concert Band
Whole School Awards

Bolton School’s Joint Senior Concert Band received a grading of Gold Award after taking part in the National Concert Band Regional Festival at Oldham on Sunday. It was the first time such an event has been held in two years and the band performed a programme of challenging music to a panel of adjudicators who commented: ‘This is a really promising band with brilliant potential. To get to this level so soon in the year is a real achievement.’
Music Teacher Miss Sherry said:

This was a wonderful opportunity for students from both Boys’ and Girls’ Divisions to perform for experienced adjudicators, alongside semi-professional and University bands, and we were the only School to take part, in the North West regional heats. Thank you to those pupils for representing the School and their parents for supporting them.
The band have been invited to perform at the national finals at the Royal Northern College of Music in the spring.

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