Author SF Said, whose book 'Tyger' is one of three nominated for the 2024 Bolton Children's Fiction Award (BCFA), Zoomed in to Bolton School to speak with members of the Boys' and Girls' Division Book Clubs and Year 6 children at the Junior Girls' School. Senior School students gathered in the Library while Junior Girls joined this virtual visit from their classroom.
SF read a thrilling extract from 'Tyger' before sharing with pupils his process for writing the book, which he said took many years and lots of revisions. He talked about his influences, which include the Middle Eastern folktales Alf Laylah wa-Laylah or One Thousand and One Nights, and his love of animals. He even shared the story of meeting a tiger in real life, which informed his writing! He gave advice to aspiring writers and answered pupils' question about his favourite books and authors.
This event was a great introduction to 'Tyger' and no doubt has inspired young readers to pick up SF's BCFA shortlisted book. The virtual visit was part of a series of author talks arranged by Bolton School's librarians as part of the Bolton Children's Fiction Award 2024, offering those taking part further insight into the shortlisted books and their authors' wider works.