Encouraging Confidence in Mathematics
Girls' Division Maths

The latest Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS) report highlights a growing gender gap in mathematics and science performance among Year 9 students in England. However, findings from the most recent Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) study provide valuable feedback on how Bolton School Girls’ Division fosters confidence and success in Maths and STEM subjects.

Through participation in the PISA study, Year 11 pupils at Bolton School Girls’ Division shared insights into their experience of learning mathematics. They reported feeling well-supported, with teachers ensuring understanding, providing additional help, and showing a genuine interest in each student’s progress. The study concluded that pupils who described positive teacher support and a constructive classroom environment not only performed better academically but also reported greater wellbeing. These findings highlight the significance of an encouraging educational setting in building confidence in STEM subjects.

Head of Girls’ Division, Mrs. Lynne Kyle, emphasised the school’s commitment to creating a culture of belonging, motivation, and high achievement. “It was particularly reassuring to see that our pupils feel safe, accepted, and supported by their teachers and peers. This sense of security translates into greater motivation to succeed academically, particularly in mathematics,” she said. “The results affirm that a strong support system in the classroom can have a tangible impact on both performance and confidence.”

Research suggests that fear of failure and lack of confidence often discourage girls from pursuing STEM subjects, despite their capability. Bolton School Girls’ Division’s participation in the PISA study offered meaningful evidence of the role a supportive learning environment plays in strengthening students’ confidence in mathematics and enhancing their academic engagement.

Read about the Girls' Division's PISA Report

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