Girls’ Division pupils in Year 8 held a ‘Well-Good Week’ to help raise money for well-good.org, the website set up by Mr Heppleston, who is Head of Mathematics in the Girls’ Division. The website helps students improve their mental maths while at the same time raising money for charity. Each problem solved on the website is converted into a charitable donation. Many students in the Girls’ Division take advantage of Well-Good to build their maths skills while at the same time helping others, and a number of other schools are now involved as well.
The Year 8 pupils organised stalls at breaks and lunchtimes, selling a host of snacks including home-made cakes, sweets, fizzy drinks, crisps and even Krispy Kreme Doughnuts! The rest of the school was delighted to help with the fundraising by buying from the delicious selection on offer and nearly £900 was raised by Year 8 for Well-Good.
well-good.org raises funds through sponsorship from local businesses and Mr Heppleston is always looking for more sponsorship and would love to hear from any business that would like to help.
Sponsorship raised through everyone’s efforts doing maths on well-good.org this year went towards the Junior Girls’ School’s long-term project to build a school for street children in Malawi.
At the end of March, Mr Heppleston presented a well-good cheque for £4,200 to Junior Girls’ teacher Mrs Marsden and Great Minds, Bright Futures to support the cause!
The money raised by Year 8 has now been added to that bringing the total well-good contribution to £5,100.