Fourteen local primary schools visited the labs of Bolton School Girls’ Division for a Scooby Doo Science Challenge. The Year 5 children were tasked with examining the forensic evidence, putting the clues together and solving the Movie Night Missing Sweets Mystery.
Working in teams of four, the pupils became Shaggy and Scooby and attempted to identify the culprit from Daphne, Fred and Velma by undertaking a range of forensic science experiments.
Girls and boys used chromatography to match the IOU note found at the scene with the suspects’ three different pens, they examined fibres under a microscope to match those found at the scene with samples taken from clothing, they lifted a fingerprint off a cup, tested soil samples with pH paper and undertook blood testing.
After much diligent research, the young scientists identified Daphne as the culprit and Hardy Mill Primary School ran out as overall winners.
Mrs Power, the Girls’ Division Coordinator of Science, presented trophies and all competitors received certificates.
Sixth Form Prefects ably assisted Bolton School teachers in helping run the event.
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