Bolton School has released its latest Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) Report, which covers the 2023-24 academic year. It is the final report in a series of five that the school committed to compiling after the death of George Floyd and the testimonies published by Everyone’s Invited, events that prompted many schools and institutions to re-examine their approaches to inclusion and diversity.
As a result of its focus during that period, Bolton School has better integrated DEI into learning across the campus and, where appropriate, partnered with external agencies, working constructively with its former pupils in ensuring that its actions have been proactive, sustained and meaningful. The Girls’ Division, Boys’ Division and Junior Schools have all been commended on their inclusivity and approach to DEI in recent inspection reports.
As it focuses on the next five years, the School - through a DEI committee - will continue to monitor diversity, equity and inclusion across all its settings, ensuring the changes it has made remain embedded in the School’s culture and practices.