Phoebe Donates Her Hair
Junior Girls Charity

Phoebe Adams-Mercer, a Y4 pupil at Bolton School Girls’ Division Junior School, donated 12 inches of her hair over the school holidays to young people suffering with cancer via the Little Princess Trust. 

Phoebe had not realised how cancer treatments can impact people’s hair until a close friend of the family underwent chemotherapy. She then decided it was something she wanted to help with. She grew her hair until there was enough to donate 12 inches so that the receiver would get a good length on the wig. It also costs a lot to make the wigs and so Phoebe fundraised £500 to pay for the making of the wig. 

Her mum, Kathryn, said: ‘She was really nervous before the hair cut but then felt really proud and has grown to like her new short hair style.’  

The Little Princess Trust provides free real hair wigs to children and young people, up to 24 years, who have lost their own hair through cancer treatment or other conditions.

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