Bolton School’s Junior Girls shared the story of the Nativity through readings, recitations, songs, music and dances.
They told the traditional Christmas story from the perspective of the animals who were present, from the spiders in the eaves to the donkeys and cattle in the stable to the sheep on the hillside and the camels accompanying the Wise Men. The whole school was involved, with Year 6 girls providing solos and narration, while Year 3 danced as mice and sheep and the Lower School and Upper School Choirs sang. The Tuned Percussion Ensemble performed ‘Little Donkey’, and girls provided percussion accompaniment throughout. Year 6 also produced beautiful linocut artwork that was used throughout the programme, depicting scenes from the Nativity.
Both the afternoon ‘matinee’ and the evening performance were well attended and thoroughly enjoyed by a captivated audience of parents, grandparents and family members. Guests who attended the Christmas celebration gave generously to a retiring collection that was held in support of local charity Urban Outreach.
Photos from the Junior Girls' Christmas performance: