Old Girl Shares Debut Novel with Year 4
Junior Girls Junior Boys

Old Girl Deborah Lyon (née Done, Class of 1989) came in to School to speak to Year 4 pupils from the Junior Girls’ and Junior Boys’ Schools about her new book: ‘The Timewaif and the Roman Road’. Set in western Cumbria, this book tells the story of Tim, who falls through a magic cave in the sea cliffs and is transported back to the Roman times. Enjoying life and the adventures with his new found Mediterranean friends, Tim has to decide whether he wants to go back to normality.

After reading the pupils a chapter of her book, Deb fielded questions from the excited audience, such as: how long did the book take to write?; how old were you when you knew you wanted to be an author?; and what were your favourite books whilst you were at School? She said that the best way to be an author is to read lots of books.

Deb’s book, the first in a six-part series, is her first fiction novel following her inaugural publication about the Lake District a few years ago.

Flickr album: Author visit with Deborah Lyon | Height: auto | Theme: Default | Skin: Default Skin


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