Junior Girls' School's 10 Year Celebration
Junior Girls Event

Sitting in the heart of the campus, Hesketh House, designed by architects Cassidy and Ashton and built by Seddons, was completed in 2010 and houses Bolton School’s Junior Girls aged 7-11 years. 

Governors, architects and former and present teaching staff gathered for a VIP lunch before a tour of the building and a special assembly attended by the Y3-Y6 girls which celebrated the 10 year anniversary – although belatedly due to Covid! 

Head of the Foundation, Philip Britton, whisked the audience through a 506 year history of Bolton School in just 7 minutes. He told how the school was named "Hesketh House" in tribute to Lord Leverhulme, whose full name was William Hesketh Lever.  It was Leverhulme's vision and endowment in 1915 that brought Bolton High School for Girls and Bolton Grammar School for Boys together to become the Bolton School (Girls' Division and Boys' Division) that we know today. 

Ruth Brierley, who was Head of the Junior School during the summer move in 2010, gave an engaging presentation to the girls, which reflected the fun as well as the stresses and strains of the transition from Senior School. She recalled how there were lots of decisions to be made – the colour of walls, the type of blinds and carpets and so much more! Not to mention, new rules that had to be written and habits to be formed. She also told how and where a time capsule was buried and that it has to be dug up in 2036. 

Current Head Carol Laverick reflected on the strengths of the school – detailing its wonderful facilities such as its library, Science labs and ICT suite and its proximity to the school swimming pool, Arts Centre and Senior School’s drama theatre and great hall. She also recapped the wonderful education that the girls enjoy within the walls, including numerous clubs, charitable endeavours, visiting speakers, help from parents and their amazing teachers! She had girls reflect on all the trips and visits that they make, including to Patterdale Hall in the Lake District, which is many girls’ favourite! Mrs Laverick then unveiled a wonderful present from the Parents’ Association of a mechanical, personalised weather clock, which had been made by Sarah Clifford Bowles from the clockmakers Bramwell Brown. Sarah, it was revealed, is a former pupil of the school that Mrs Laverick and Mrs Holt had actually taught! 

School Ambassador Deeya Pitalia gave her perspective on what a wonderful time the girls have in Hesketh House before Head of the new Primary Division, Mrs Faulkner told the girls that whilst they had all these wonderful facilities it was their challenge to make the School the very best it can be. 

The assembly ended with a rousing rendition of the song ‘One More Step’ and each girl received a silver key ring to commemorate the event. 

The £5m school was built in just over a year and was part of an £18m programme of investment in new buildings and facilities at Bolton School. 

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