The Junior Girls' School had fun with their annual Modern Foreign Languages (MFL) Day, which this year was Eurovision Languages Day in honour of the Eurovision Song Contest being held in Liverpool on behalf of Ukraine. Next term, the girls will hold their own Eurovision Song Contest in school, based on work that started on this MFL Day.
The day began with a special assembly led by Miss Eccleshare, the girls' specialist languages teacher, and Mrs Labbe. They gave a short presentation about Ukraine's culture, sharing information about the geography, food and drink, traditional costume and music. They explained that Ukranian folk songs were part of the inspiration for Kalush Orchestra's Eurovision 2022 winning song 'Stefania' and shared translations of some of lyrics, before asking the girls to listen out for these words and phrases as they gave a very special performance!
Afterwards, the girls were excited to discover what countries each class would represent. Their teachers had blind-picked from envelopes and the hall erupted into cheers as each country was revealed!
Each class then spent the day learning more about their selected country through research and activities. They prepared presentations about the country itself, learned about the history and culture, and started learning a song in the country's language to share with the rest of the school. They also explored their country’s language with Miss Eccleshare and made a pin badge celebrating Ukraine with Mrs Labbe.
Next term, the girls will present their country to the whole school and a panel of judges before performing a song and dance routine. There was a definite buzz in Hesketh House on Eurovision Languages Day and the girls are already looking forward to their performances next term.