Girls Gift Toys to Bolton Lions' Xmas Appeal
Senior Girls Charity

Families at Bolton School Girls’ Division put together a huge collection of new and nearly-new toys and games to give to the Bolton Lions’ Christmas Toy Appeal. The donations, which will be gifted to struggling families this Christmastime, completely filled the Girls’ Division stage on the morning of the collection!

The Girls’ Division’s involvement in the Bolton Lions’ Christmas Toy Appeal comes after a group of Sixth Form students from the Boys’ and Girls’ Divisions have been volunteering with the club. They have been helping out at the Bolton Lions’ units in Bolton Market Place, both in the shop and donation point downstairs and packing centre upstairs, where they have put together hampers and picked out appropriate toys from the donated collection.

Bolton Lions contacted the school after collecting the girls’ donations of toys and said: ‘I just wanted to say on behalf of the club that we were overwhelmed to see the array of toys that your students had collected for our toy appeal. The toys really made a difference this year. It has been an absolute pleasure working with you and your team. The students have been truly remarkable. Have a great Christmas and I look forward to working with you again in the New Year on other projects.’

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