Sabrinah Thinks of the Less Fortunate at Christmas
Junior Girls Charity

Sabrinah Warren, a Y4 pupil at Hesketh House, Bolton School’s Junior Girls’ School, has donated a large collection of toys to less fortunate children for Christmas. 

Using money that she had been given for her birthday – she specifically asked for money rather than presents – she bought over £1,000 worth of gifts for boys and girls suggested by Sarah Lodge in Bolton. Having received details of ages and sexes, Sabrinah then specifically chose gifts to suit the children. The toy shop Smyths, on learning about Sabrinah’s endeavour, gave her a generous discount. 

Sabrinah’s mother said:

When we drop the toys off next week, Sarah Lodge will talk Sabrinah through what they offer. The other toys will find a home through contacts in the teaching profession. My daughter was inspired to do this after an assembly championed another Hesketh House girl, Phoebe, who, earlier this Term, donated her hair to The Little Princess Trust.

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