Boys Raise Money for Mental Health Campaign
Junior Boys Fundraising

As part of World Mental Health Day on Sunday 10 October and in association with the Young Minds Charity, boys aged 7-11 years at Bolton School have, during the course of this week, taken part in the Hello Yellow campaign.

Throughout the week, pupils have engaged with a range of activities to help highlight the importance of openly discussing mental health.

On Thursday boys came into school wearing something yellow for a special assembly and to help raise money for Young Minds, the UK’s leading charity fighting for children and young people’s mental health. The yellow colour represents positivity and happiness as well as being a symbol to show children that they are not alone with their mental health.

Head of the Junior Boys’ School Fergus Morris said: ‘Rob Livesley, ably assisted by Janet Fairclough and Josef Minta, put together a fantastic series of activities, assemblies and talks throughout this week with the aim of raising awareness of Mental Health. 

‘The boys have really enjoyed the experiences, from Yoga to meditation to a talk from Neuropsychologist, Dr Caswell, and over £600 has been raised so far.’

Donations can still be made via this Just Giving webpage.

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